Nayana Thalanki Anantha

Nayana Thalanki Anantha (MHSc. Clinical engineering) is a seasoned product manager in med-tech and specializes in translating medical devices from bench to bedside. She is driven by medical technology that is backed by exciting science and those that are able to solve challenges in healthcare with novel product designs.
She is a strong advocate of user-centric product design so as to maximize clinical adoption and market success. With a background in engineering and research, she has the expertise required to take an innovation from concept to regulatory market approval in the US and Canada, including the necessary clinical testing.
After completing her Masters in Clinical engineering from University of Toronto, Nayana gained experience in developing novel access technologies for non-verbal children at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab Hospital. Following which she ventured into industry with medical wearable technologies where she led product design and regulatory strategy for Health Canada and FDA approval. She returned to research at UHN and was one of the inventors of a novel imaging platform to be used during breast conserving surgeries that was successfully acquired by a German/Japanese company. Through this journey, she gained the invaluable experience of fulfilling multiple roles in start-up environments. She has also worked on projects for WHO in technical evaluation of medical equipment for the Covid emergency response.
Nayana is actively involved in exploring new innovations in the med tech space in Canada that have the potential to be taken to market.