LMP 2301Y: Projects in Translational Research
Credit: 1.0 FCE
This core course runs September – April.
This course is intended to provide you with the necessary tools and skills to identify, develop and execute a translational research project.
The class is structured following an experiential learning approach guided by the Translational Thinking Framework that helps you to sample necessary skills and apply your understanding to a real-world community partner project with a healthcare provider.
In this course, you will learn about methods of Translational Thinking and Human Centred Design to explore a problem space and the people within that space, identifying real needs, system constraints and requirements, and ultimately design solutions that incorporate all those components.
Designs are iterated from initial concepts by gathering feedback and evaluating prototypes with partners input throughout the course. The course project culminates with the development of an intervention that addresses the identified problem.
Final project presentations for the partner stakeholders will take place at the end of the course.
Learning outcomes
This course is designed to provide you with the foundations necessary for understanding and applying the Translational Thinking Framework and Human-Centred Design to medical problems.
You will learn to:
- practice research methods for understanding user needs and practices.
- interpret raw data and create design artifacts (e.g., personas, scenarios).
- brainstorm, sketch, and design prototypes that address real user problems.
- evaluate prototypes (one’s and others’) for usability, learnability, and usefulness.
- work in multidisciplinary design teams.
These are the mandatory classes you must take to complete the program.
You will automatically be enrolled in these courses and they will be preloaded to your ACORN (U of T’s learning system) before the given semester.