LMP 2390 Special Topics 2024: Innovating Medicine, Health and Care
Credit: 0.25 FCE
The Toronto Translational Framework provides an overview of the journey from ideation to implementation of innovations - from concept generation to market diffusion.
This module blends a rapid innovation challenge with learning key definitions, regulations and jurisdictional topics along commercialization pathways.
The instructional content provides a high-level overview of innovation pathways for devices, services, diagnostics and therapeutics primarily in Canada, US and EU, with active ideation and creative problem-solving.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module you will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of key topics in health innovation.
- Apply the Translational Framework for collaborative rapid innovation.
- Critically analyze a problem.
- Demonstrate a conceptual intervention.
- Students are required to complete eight modules (0.25 FCE each) spread out within 2 years of study.
- Students may enroll in modular courses using ACORN.
- The modular schedule will be emailed to students prior to the start of each semester.
- Modules offered outside of the program are also permitted such as ones offered by the Institute of Medical Science (IMS).