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Growing up with personal connections in the autism space, I have always had a passion for and desire to be involved in this area and to learn as much as I can. After completing my BSc in Neuroscience at the University of Guelph (with a minor in Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences, another interest of mine!) I wanted more hands-on opportunities to work with autistic individuals and other experts in the space. Finding the TRP allowed me to do just that! Through the person-centred approach the TRP takes to need validation and intervention ideation/creation, I have been able to explore my interests, work directly with stakeholders in my interested fields, and actually feel like I'm making a difference in improving health and healthcare of my community. Outside of my academic and professional activities, I love weightlifting, reading a variety of books and consuming book content, and spending quality time with my large family.
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Growing up with personal connections in the autism space, I have always had a passion for and desire to be involved in this area and to learn as much as I can. After completing my BSc in Neuroscience at the University of Guelph (with a minor in Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences, another interest of mine!) I wanted more hands-on opportunities to work with autistic individuals and other experts in the space. Finding the TRP allowed me to do just that! Through the person-centred approach the TRP takes to need validation and intervention ideation/creation, I have been able to explore my interests, work directly with stakeholders in my interested fields, and actually feel like I'm making a difference in improving health and healthcare of my community. Outside of my academic and professional activities, I love weightlifting, reading a variety of books and consuming book content, and spending quality time with my large family.
  • Empowerment and skill-building with autistic individuals
  • Neuro-inclusivity and affirmation in society
  • General public health promotion
  • Nutrition and fitness for sports performance
  • Nutrition and health promotion with autistic individuals