Eliciting Educational Perspectives of Oncological Patients, Caregivers & Clinicians in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic

About us

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the rapid implementation of virtual visits, making it challenging to provide patient education in the traditional way. It is also likely that virtual care will continue beyond the pandemic. Therefore, we require an efficient and effective channel to provide patients with information about the diagnosis, treatment, and medication-related complications when in-person education is not an option.


Despite all the advancements, cancer can have devastating effects on different aspects of the patient’s life. Regardless of increased survival rates, they may have poor quality-of-life due to various physical incapacities and mental health challenges due to their disease-related complications—existing data links patients’ health literacy on different aspects of their disease processes and better outcomes. Most recently, sudden implementation of virtual care during the current pandemic may have compromised the delivery or the effectiveness of patients’ education. In response to these challenges, the Cancer Education Department at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (PM) has launched a new educational digital tool through which clinicians can tailor and email the educational materials to cancer patients. The study is proposed to elicit the patient educational preferences regarding current suboptimal use and delivery of educational materials to cancer patients. We aim to explore the barriers and gaps of underutilization of Digital Education Prescription (DEP) and ensure its suitability to the patients, caregivers, and clinicians to improve patients’ health literacy during the treatment journey.

Team members

Shayan Bashir

Clinical assistant at Kennedy Medical Clinic Brampton

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content.

Dr. Mohammad Al-Katari

Clinical Fellow Physician in Hematology

My name is Mohammad Sami Al-Katari, a clinical Fellow in Hematology at UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital since July 1st 2016, completed successfully 2 years Clinical Fellowship in Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant from July 2016 till June 2018 and I am currently doing another Clinical Fellowship in Leukemia / Lymphoma & Myeloma, which will be completed by end of June 2020. I am very glad and excited joining the TRP as I do believe that it is the right program to enhance my skills as a clinician to translate our many theoretical research ideas into a real medical service or tool benefiting the patients in the field of malignant hematology.

Shazmeen Shahed

Dr. Shazmeen Shahed

Clinical Researcher Michael Garron Hospital

Growing up across three countries in the Middle East and South Asia was an enriching experience. As a multi-linguist, to obtain exposure to a country teeming with culture and the opportunity to add yet another language to my repertoire, I chose to pursue medical school in China. To apply the skills learnt during medical school to a different setting, I chose to practice medicine in my country of origin, India. During this period, to expand my understanding of health care delivery in the global domain, I learnt from physicians in the U.S. at Mount Sinai Heart, NY and MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston. I moved to Canada soon after to reunite with family in Toronto. I took up clinical research in medicine and cardiology to understand the healthcare system better while taking exams to get licensed in Canada.

About us

About us

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the rapid implementation of virtual visits, making it challenging to provide patient education in the traditional way. It is also likely that virtual care will continue beyond the pandemic. Therefore, we require an efficient and effective channel to provide patients with information about the diagnosis, treatment, and medication-related complications when in-person education is not an option.


Despite all the advancements, cancer can have devastating effects on different aspects of the patient’s life. Regardless of increased survival rates, they may have poor quality-of-life due to various physical incapacities and mental health challenges due to their disease-related complications—existing data links patients’ health literacy on different aspects of their disease processes and better outcomes. Most recently, sudden implementation of virtual care during the current pandemic may have compromised the delivery or the effectiveness of patients’ education. In response to these challenges, the Cancer Education Department at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (PM) has launched a new educational digital tool through which clinicians can tailor and email the educational materials to cancer patients. The study is proposed to elicit the patient educational preferences regarding current suboptimal use and delivery of educational materials to cancer patients. We aim to explore the barriers and gaps of underutilization of Digital Education Prescription (DEP) and ensure its suitability to the patients, caregivers, and clinicians to improve patients’ health literacy during the treatment journey.

Team members

Shayan Bashir

Clinical assistant at Kennedy Medical Clinic Brampton

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content.

Dr. Mohammad Al-Katari

Clinical Fellow Physician in Hematology

My name is Mohammad Sami Al-Katari, a clinical Fellow in Hematology at UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital since July 1st 2016, completed successfully 2 years Clinical Fellowship in Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant from July 2016 till June 2018 and I am currently doing another Clinical Fellowship in Leukemia / Lymphoma & Myeloma, which will be completed by end of June 2020. I am very glad and excited joining the TRP as I do believe that it is the right program to enhance my skills as a clinician to translate our many theoretical research ideas into a real medical service or tool benefiting the patients in the field of malignant hematology.

Shazmeen Shahed

Dr. Shazmeen Shahed

Clinical Researcher Michael Garron Hospital

Growing up across three countries in the Middle East and South Asia was an enriching experience. As a multi-linguist, to obtain exposure to a country teeming with culture and the opportunity to add yet another language to my repertoire, I chose to pursue medical school in China. To apply the skills learnt during medical school to a different setting, I chose to practice medicine in my country of origin, India. During this period, to expand my understanding of health care delivery in the global domain, I learnt from physicians in the U.S. at Mount Sinai Heart, NY and MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston. I moved to Canada soon after to reunite with family in Toronto. I took up clinical research in medicine and cardiology to understand the healthcare system better while taking exams to get licensed in Canada.


Our project emerged from a shared concern for the health and safety of wildland firefighters facing increasingly challenging conditions. Recognizing the critical role respiratory protective equipment plays in their well-being, we assembled a diverse team of engineers, researchers, and experienced wildland firefighters. Through collaborative efforts and a human-centered design approach, we aim to improve and innovate existing equipment to better align the demands of wildland firefighting. By combining technical expertise with on-the-ground insights, we aspire to contribute meaningful advancements to the field, ultimately enhancing the protection and resilience of those who safeguard our wildlands during fire seasons. Through iterative collaboration and a deep understanding of on-the-ground realities, our project aspires to make meaningful advancements in the field, ultimately contributing to the heightened protection and resilience of those who tirelessly safeguard our wildlands.

Team members

Sumegha Jain

Sumegha Jain

See full profile
Janna Mohamed

Janna Mohamed

Janna is passionate about people and the planet. She believes that by collaborating across disciplines, we can problem-solve and innovate to tackle complex health challenges and translate evidence into action

See full profile
Arani Ravichandra

Arani Ravichandran

See full profile
Stella Rho
Stella Rho

TRP Supervisors

Director Dr. Joseph Ferenbok

Joseph Ferenbok

TRP Director

Driven to improve patient care, Prof. Ferenbok catapults projects forward with passion, wisdom, and a contagious chuckle. He is an Associate Director of the Health Innovation Hub, a Faculty of Medicine initiative intended to connect, align, serve, and facilitate the translation, innovation, and commercialization of 'Health Matters'.

See full profile
Edyta Marcon, Advisor, Capstone Committee, Instructor, Supervisor, TRP Team

Edyta Marcon

Concept Translator Senior Research Associate, Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto

Edyta loves to encounter new questions, apply new knowledge, and meet new people. As a Senior Research Associate at the U of T Donnelly Centre, she currently studies how RNA modifications regulate gene expression and how they relate to human health and disease. Her interests extend beyond the laboratory into the application of scientific research using human centric design thinking.