Our Story and Our Why

Our Story

Medmarket Mavericks is a project started by Zoya Aziz Bhatti and Derek Choi. The pair embarked on a journey inquiring about the broad, yet interesting health innovation, procurement, and health technology landscape. From multiple conversations with key opinion leaders, and stakeholders across the healthcare ecosystem, this project was formed.  

Developing our research project was an iterative process where key decisions were driven by the people that we are trying to help. The end goal is to assist in developing an intervention for patients to have timely and equitable access to health innovation. Health innovation involves stakeholders and people from across the healthcare ecosystem, especially in Canada where there are unique rules, regulations and barriers in place that impact the procurement of new innovations. We believe that co-design is an effective method to ensure that the needs of each key decision maker are considered when designing a possible intervention.  

Our Why 

We want to help patients. There are numerous patients with horror stories about the care available within our country, and there are many individuals that partake in medical tourism to receive the best possible care for their illness. We want to reduce that medical disparity between our country and the wider world. Patients within Canada should be able to access the best possible care that exists. Often, patients are fighting for their lives. We want to help and give them a fighting chance.  

Thank you, and please contact us if you have questions about your eligibility.