Michelle Hladunewich
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Michelle Hladunewich
Associate Professor, Director, Associate Scientist
Division of Nephrology, University of Toronto

Brief Bio

Dr. Hladunewich is interested in glomerular-based disease, and is conducting several clinical trials in the field. She is also interested in the renal physiology of normal and abnormal pregnancy. Her primary research focus has been the long-term sequelae of preeclampsia including differences in the renin angiotensin system and endothelial function. She has developed specialty clinics in kidney disease, pregnancy and a glomerular-based disease to align with her research interests. Pregnancy and Kidney Disease (PreKID) Clinic Dr. Hladunewich runs this clinic overseeing patients with maternal fetal medicine specialists at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Mount Sinai Hospital. This clinic is dedicated to young women with either kidney disease or hypertension who are planning a pregnancy, require follow-up during pregnancy or who need immediate postpartum care. Referrals are accepted from family practice, obstetric medicine and other sub-specialists. Appointments and Affiliations: Associate scientist, Biological Sciences, Women & Babies Research Program, Sunnybrook Research Institute Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, University of Toronto Division Director, Nephrology and Obstetrical Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Medical Lead, Glomerulonephritis and Speciality Clinics, Ontario Renal Network