2021 Orientation Spotlight: Fireside Chat with Jaspreet Randhawa
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MHSc in Translational Research

October 2021 | TRP

In September 2021, we held our Fall orientation, complete with hands-on activities in an engaging virtual format. Throughout the sessions, our new batch of translational researchers had a chance to engage with the faculty, the TPR community, and their peers. Providing a balance of both academic and social integration, our online orientation was designed to help familiarize students with the program.

We spoke to a few students about orientation week to better understand how helpful these virtual events were in giving them the best possible start to their TRP experience. This fireside chat features Jaspreet Randhawa, a quality improvement researcher, project manager, and a firm believer in bringing innovations to implementation. She joined the TRP to further her skills and build a strong foundation in translational research to bridge the gap between research and knowledge to empower our communities.

Having always been interested in medical and health sciences, Jaspreet has been working towards identifying needs and bridging gaps in patient care. During her undergraduate studies, she got involved with quality improvement research in the implementation of telemedicine video-conferencing technology in neonatal intensive care units to provide newborns with better care closer to home. 

“Working on these projects, I developed a passion alongside a need, to continue research and development, but in a meaningful manner to my audience, the patients I was trying to help. When I came across the TRP, I immediately realized this was exactly where I needed to be to refine my research skills and learn the best approaches to improving patient care. This program aligned perfectly with my mission, goals, and aspirations.”

Check out this fireside chat to learn more about Jaspreet, her aspirations, why she chose the TRP, and how she hopes to bridge translational gaps in patient care bringing innovations to implementation.